Inspiring More Beautiful Downtowns

Inspiring More Beautiful Downtowns

Bowman County Development Corporation released the Downtown Seating Matching Program early April. In order to increase the visitor experience and attractiveness of Bowman County’s Main Streets, this grant match program incentivizes downtown businesses to add seating and curb appeal. This specifically addresses an objective in the Bowman County Strategic Growth Plan to Enhance Vibrant and Inviting Communities by increasing vibrancy on Main Streets and identifying and investing in signature spaces.


This program provides a match to businesses located in Bowman, Scranton, or Rhame, North Dakota with building frontage on Main Street to purchase outdoor seating. Data proves that beautifying businesses on the outside is important as 70% of first-time sales can come from curb appeal. Additionally, up to 87% of prospective buyers who drive by a business will choose to go in based on the exterior appearance.


This is one of the many programs being released that relates directly to the most recent county-wide strategic plan. The Downtown Seating Matching Program is funded by the City of Bowman Restaurant and Lodging Tax and BCDC’s Growth Fund.


Learn more about this new program online at

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