Planning and Zoning Director
Welcome to the City of Bowman Planning and Zoning web page. This site provides access to Bowman’s Land Development Code, the Comprehensive and Transportation Plan, applications for development requests, and the agendas and minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. Should you need any assistance with these documents, please stop by my office or call one of the numbers under the contact information at the left of this page.
Planning and Zoning Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Planning and Zoning Administrator to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of all citizens and neighborhoods of the City of Bowman through the professional administration and equitable enforcement of the City of Bowman’s zoning code and ordinances. Similarly, it is also the Commission and Administrator’s mission to simultaneously maintain an atmosphere for business and industry to thrive by assisting developers and businesses in achieving compliance with the laws and policies adopted by the Bowman Planning and Zoning Commission, City Commission and those of the state and federal legislatures.
March 22, 2017
At the March 21, 2017 City Commission meeting, the Commission held a public hearing on the review of the final amendments to the “Land Development Code” (or more popularly known as “Chapter 6 Zoning Ordinances”). After due consideration of the updates brought forward to the City Commission by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the final draft was unanimously approved 5-0. The new amendments take effect immediately. The updates include expansion of the definitions section, expansion of the uses allowed in each zoning district, the creation of new zoning districts, the inclusion of new design standards for development, and the refinement of the roles and responsibilities of city staff when implementing the Land Development Code.
Work will soon begin on the remainder of the chapters of the city’s municipal code. Many of these chapters are out of date and need to be brought into compliance with newly passed legislation by the state of North Dakota. The public is invited to attend all hearings related to this task. If you have any questions, please call Bowman City Hall at 701-523-3309.
Present: President Shear, Mike Beylund, Bryan Clendenen, Pam Fisher, Jory Reisenauer, Peggy Allen, and Arleen Ferrell.
Absent: Vice President Dave Mosbrucker
President Shear called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Motion by Clendenen, second by Reisenauer to approve the agenda. AIF, MC.
Motion by Fisher, second by Clendenen to approve the 1/14/25 Meeting Minutes. AIF, MC.
Mark Soehren – 108 11th Ave SW Lot #33:
Shed Variance: Allen informed the Commission that Soehren has filed the variance paperwork for his shed and the public hearing will be at the next zoning meeting in March for his shed.
Barb Sedevie – 706 West Divide Street:
Shed Placement: Sedevie asked for an extension until the weather gets nicer and she knows what she can do about the placement of her shed. She has moved out of her house and is trying to decide what to do. Motion by Reisenauer, second by Clendenen to give Sedevie 90 days to respond with what she will do with the shed (move, remove, or apply for a variance) and the Commission will consider imposing a fine of $500.00 a day after that if she doesn’t get into compliance. AIF, MC.
There was discussion on the condition of the house and Shear said he will speak with the City Commission about the condition of the property.
Meowsers Cat Rescue:
By the start of the zoning meeting, Allen had not heard from York regarding the status of the Cat Rescue. Shear said he will talk to the City Commission and address the issue of the Cat Rescue not getting into compliance.
Arleen Ferrell – 906- 3rd Street NW:
Permit Application #2025-1 Moving an Accessory Building Into Bowman: Ferrell would like to move a house addition from Marmarth to Bowman and attach it to the back side of her house. Ferrell said the house siding color is faded so they will repaint the whole house. A picture Ferrell supplied of the addition is missing siding, but that will be covered because it will be attached to the house. The addition has 2” x 6” walls and has 4” grey siding. The Commission stated the following conditions must be met: footings under the addition, properly anchored to the ground and sided like the house or similar. Motion by Beylund, second by Reisenauer to approve zoning permit #2025-1 with the conditions stated for Arleen Ferrell. AIF, MC. Shear stated that the permit is for 6 months, then Allen can extend it for another 6 months, if the work is started and not completed by then, Allen will inform the commission and a fine may be imposed per ordinance.
David Clouse – 409 -1st Ave SW:
Permit Application 2025-2 Food Trailer, Gazebo and Shed: Clouse would like to put a mobile food trailer, gazebo and shed on his property. Currently we do not have any ordinances on food trailers so the Commission can’t make any decisions regarding the trailer. Motion by Reisenauer, second by Clendenen to approve Zoning Permit #2025-2 for a garden shed and gazebo as long as Clouse meets the setbacks and the gazebo matches the shed. The Commission would like the shed to be on the east side of the trailer and make sure there is enough room for him to hook on when he takes the trailer home for the end of the season. AIF, MC. Allen will also note on the permit application that he must contact NDDOT to make sure he meets their setbacks.
Hwy 85/TRE Meeting:
The zoning board is invited to attend the public input meeting on March 11, 2025 at 6:30 pm right after the zoning meeting.
Zoning Code Updates:
Shear asked the Commission to review Article 5 that Allen gave them and look through Article 6 before the next meeting.
Motion by Reisenauer, second by Clendenen to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 pm
Tuesday, March 21, 2025 at 5:00 pm
Bowman City Hall, 101 1st St. NE
**If you have any questions regarding the agenda, please call 701-523-3309**
2025 Bowman City Zoning Commission
Meeting Dates
January 14 July 8
February 11 August 12
March 11 September 9
April 8 October 7
May 13 November 11
June 10 December 9
If there is nothing on the agenda when the meeting date comes, the meeting will be cancelled. As permits dictate, other meetings may be scheduled.
Please check with the Zoning Administrator to verify the meeting is taking place, this is just a guide.
January – March meetings will start at 5:30 pm
April – October will start at 6:30 pm
November – December will start at 5:30 pm
Ryan Shear – President
PO Box 83 Phone: 458-0101 W 440-0222 Cell
Bowman ND 58623 Email:
Dave Mosbrucker – Vice President
17 7th Ave NW Phone: 523-6988 Cell
Bowman ND 58623 Email:
Jory Reisenauer
PO Box 162 Phone: 206-1008 Cell
Bowman ND 58623 Email:
Pam Fischer
PO Box 1194 Phone: 523-3836 H 206-0053 Cell
Bowman ND 58623 Email:
Bryan Clendenen – Secretary
PO Box 305 Phone: 523-3953 W 523-6775 Cell
Bowman ND 58623 Email:
Zoning Office (701) 523-3309
FAX: (701) 523-5716
101 1st ST NE
PO Box 12
Bowman, ND 58623
Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)