Bowman County Development Corporation Showcased Bowman County

Bowman County Development Corporation Showcased Bowman County

Bowman County Development Corporation (BCDC) held their Annual Meeting on February 7, 2024, at the Bowman Golf Course. Key projects were highlighted this year including the Mainspace Expansion, Crossroads Business Park Development, T4 Tools Trades Torque Tech, Festival of Lights, EDND Conference, Fusion Conference, and Bowman County Community Challenge. People from Bowman County gathered at the meeting in which the community, local businesses, and projects were showcased.


The evening started with BCDC’s business meeting in which the results of their board election were announced. Incumbents, Alan Peters and Dustin Swanson, were reelected to serve another three-year term.


A video showcased key programs and projects of 2023. A special highlight of this video was interviews with businesses assisted by BCDC in 2023. These included Melissa Buchholz, owner of Phoenix Therapy in Bowman and Jason Anderson, one of the new owners of Next Door Pizza in Scranton. The video was rounded out with interviews from BCDC staff, the board of directors, Fusion attendees, T4 attendees, Festival of Lights attendees, and users of Mainspace.


Teran Doerr, BCDC Executive Director, addressed questions on key projects, budget, and more to close the meeting.


BCDC’s 2023 Annual Report was released, and copies are available at BCDC’s office. The annual video will be available on Facebook at @GrowingBowmanCounty or YouTube at Bowman County Development Corporation. Any follow-up questions can be directed to the office at 701.523.5880.


About Bowman County Development Corporation:

Bowman County Development Corporation is a non-profit located in Bowman, N.D. It provides resources and tools that enable individuals, businesses, and community organizations to succeed. Through Bowman County Development Corporation’s determination, it is creating a reach that goes beyond county lines for the prosperity of the region.


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