The daily Rangeland Fire Index can be found at the following website:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to North Dakota Century Code Section 57-09-02, 57-11-01, and 57-12-01 that all Bowman County townships and cities will meet for their annual equalization meetings at dates, times, and places according to the following schedule:
Bowman City April 1st 3:30 PM Bowman City Hall
Gascoyne City April 15th 5:00 PM Scranton City Hall
Rhame City April 15th 6:30 PM Rhame City Hall
Scranton City April 14th 7:00 PM Scranton City Hall
All Township Equalization Meetings will be in the Courthouse Commissioner Room
Adelaide Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Amor Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Bowman Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Boyesen Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Buena Vista Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Fischbein Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Gascoyne Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Gem Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Goldfield Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Grain Belt Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Grand River Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Haley Township April 8th 10:00 AM
Ladd Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Langberg Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Marion Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Minnehaha Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Nebo Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Rhame Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Scranton Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Star Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Stillwater Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Sunny Slope Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Talbot Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Whiting Township April 8th 2:00 PM
Unorganized Townships June 3rd 10:00 AM Courthouse Commissioner’s Room
Bowman County June 3rd 10:15 AM Courthouse Commissioner’s Room
EACH TAXPAYER has the right to appear before such boards for a review of their property assessments as determined by the office of the County Director of Equalization.
If you have questions, please contact the County Director of Tax Equalization at 701-523-3129.
PHONE: (701) 523-3130
Bowman County Auditor
104 1st St NW, Suite 1
Bowman ND 58623
Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)