Financial Incentives

Supporting Businesses in Bowman County

Bowman County Development Corporation (BCDC) supports several financial incentive programs for different sectors of the County’s economy. Some of these programs are local and supported by BCDC, City of Bowman, and Bowman County, while some are run at the state or regional level. Applications must generally be approved prior to construction, building occupancy, or the start of business operations, depending on the program.

Workforce Relocation Reimbursement Program


The Workforce Relocation Reimbursement Program exists to help local businesses provide additional benefits to new hires by reimbursing up to $5,000 in moving expenses.



  • Business must be hiring for a position that is outlined in the attached high-need and emerging occupation list.
  • Business must have a location in Bowman County.
  • Application must be made prior to hiring of new employee
  • Can be paired with other workforce programs. Full request not to exceed $5,000 per employee.


For a more in-depth overview please reference the below application.


Employee Qualifications:

  • Reside in Bowman County.
  • Employee must remain a full-time employee (32+ hours) for a minimum of three years.
  • Funds must be used to relocate to a residence in Bowman County.
  • Must be moving from a distance of 45 miles or more from place of residence to new place of residence.


For more in-depth qualifications and guidelines please reference the below application.


Workforce Relocation Reimbursement Program Guidelines

Workforce Tuition and Relocation Reimbursement Application – Step 1

Workforce Relocation Reimbursement Application – Step 2

Job Post Form

Workforce Programs Matrix

High-Need and Emerging Occupations List



For questions, please contact Kate Buer at 701.523.5880 or



13 E Divide
PO Box 1143
Bowman, ND 58623


Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MT
(Closed on legal holidays)