Bowman County Development Corporation (BCDC) supports several financial incentive programs for different sectors of the County’s economy. Some of these programs are local and supported by BCDC, City of Bowman, and Bowman County, while some are run at the state or regional level. Applications must generally be approved prior to construction, building occupancy, or the start of business operations, depending on the program.
The Workforce Relocation Reimbursement Program exists to help local businesses provide additional benefits to new hires by reimbursing up to $5,000 in moving expenses.
For a more in-depth overview please reference the below application.
Employee Qualifications:
For more in-depth qualifications and guidelines please reference the below application.
Workforce Relocation Reimbursement Program Guidelines
Workforce Tuition and Relocation Reimbursement Application – Step 1
Workforce Relocation Reimbursement Application – Step 2
High-Need and Emerging Occupations List
For questions, please contact Kate Buer at 701.523.5880 or
The Workforce Tuition Reimbursement Program exists to assist local businesses in workforce recruitment by providing employers the ability to help pay off student loan debt for new hires up to $5,000.
For a more in-depth overview please reference the below application.
Employee Qualifications:
For more in-depth qualifications and guidelines please reference the below application.
Workforce Tuition Reimbursement Program Guidelines
Workforce Tuition and Relocation Reimbursement Application – Step 1
Workforce Tuition Reimbursement Application – Step 2
High-Need and Emerging Occupations List
ND Career Builder’s Program
Please consider also utilizing the ND Career Builder’s Program to increase the amount of tuition assistance that can be offered.
For questions, please contact Kate Buer at 701.523.5880 or
The Career Advancement Program exists for current Bowman County businesses interested in promoting growth and development in their current workforce to fill a special need or function. Businesses can apply for up to $5,000 to assist an employee in continuing education.
For a more in-depth overview please reference the below application.
Employee Qualifications:
For more in-depth qualifications and guidelines please reference the below application.
Career Advancement Program Guidelines
Career Advancement Application
High-Need and Emerging Occupations List
For questions, please contact Kate Buer at 701.523.5880 or
The Sign-On Bonus Program exists for current Bowman County businesses interested in offering sign-on bonuses. Businesses can apply for up to $2,500 to award up to five bonuses of $500 maximum per employee.
For a more in-depth overview please reference the below application.
Employee Qualifications:
For more in-depth qualifications and guidelines please reference the below application.
Sign-On Bonus Program Guidelines
Sign-On Bonus Occupations List
For questions, please contact Kate Buer at 701.523.5880 or
The Façade Improvement Grant Program is geared towards improving the visual appearance of the exterior storefronts in the primary business corridors of the cities in our county. This emphasizes Bowman County Development Corporation’s mission of developing and sustaining a great place to live, work and grow.
The program is a direct impact to the business community and immediate improvements are seen in the Bowman community.
Program Guidelines:
For additional program guidelines please reference the below application.
Terms and Conditions:
City of Bowman Business Application
For questions, please contact Sarah Nagel at 701.523.5880 or
The Bank of North Dakota (BND) offers a PACE program and Flex PACE program that provides an interest buydown that can reduce the borrower’s rate of interest by as much as 5%. The program requires:
Flex PACE provides interest rate buydowns up to these maximums: $200,000 per project for businesses, $300,000 per project for child care, and $500,000 per project for affordable housing. The maximum buydown is $500,000 per biennium per borrower.
PACE borrowers must be a “primary sector” business and buydown is based on either the business investment OR the number of jobs created.
For inquires please contact Sarah Nagel at 701.523.5880 or Application process must be generated by borrower’s lead lender.
Terms and Conditions:
For questions, please contact Kate Buer at 701.523.5880 or
Ineligible Activities:
Ineligible activities include compensation for one’s own labor (sweat equity) and any items not explicitly outlined in the detailed scope of work on the application. However, funding is available for building materials and supplies if the applicant opts not to enlist and external contractor.
Terms and Conditions:
For questions, please contact Kate Buer at 701.523.5880 or
For more information contact Sarah Nagel at 701.523.5880 or email
In order to increase the visitor experience and attractiveness of Bowman County’s Main Streets, this
grant match program incentivizes downtown businesses to add seating and curb appeal. This specifically
addresses an objective in the Bowman County Strategic Growth Plan to Enhance Vibrant and Inviting
Communities by increasing vibrancy on Main Streets and identifying and investing in signature spaces. Eligible businesses must be located in Bowman, Scranton, or Rhame North Dakota with building frontage on Main Street.
The Goal
• Benches or seating flanked by flowerpots in front of every shop
• A businesses unique style and atmosphere translated to their outdoor space
• Added vibrancy by encouraging more shopping and longer stays on Main Street
City of Bowman Special Permission
For questions, please contact Brooklyn Engelhart at 701.523.5880 or
The Bowman-Slope Revolving Loan Fund was created to help business start-ups and expansions within Bowman
and Slope Counties. Funds are generally used to buy down interest on loans or equipment, some renovation and
other projects. The goal is to provide “gap” funding in support of business activities in the counties in an efficient
and simple manner and to keep the funds revolving back into the area for the benefit of the local economy and
business sector.
The Bowman County Development Corporation’s Board of Directors will review applications from the standpoint
of economic feasibility, ability to pay back the loan and employment impact. Review by the BCDC’s Board of
Directors will be completed within 15 days of receipt of application, providing it is presented by the deadline. The
funds of BCDC can only be committed to the extent available.
For an application or questions, please contact Sarah Nagel at 701.523.5880 or
Commercial Signage Grant Application
For questions, please contact Sarah Nagel at 701.523.5880 or
To provide monetary assistance to our hospitality industry in creating or updating a business website to include specific items to aid in ease for visitors.
Eligible Industries:
Hospitality Website Loan Application
For questions, please contact Brooklyn Engelhart at 701.523.5880 or
The Southwest Rural Economic Area Partnership is a non-profit corporation operating under the REAP Investment
Fund, a 501(c) 3 incorporated within the state of North Dakota.
SW REAP has developed a Partnership Fund, and a Micro Loan Fund to be used for the purpose of furthering
partnerships, businesses and projects that will positively impact its geographic region – the counties of Adams,
Billings, Bowman, Dunn, Golden Valley, Hettinger, Slope, and Stark. All fund requests must originate in and
benefit these SW REAP counties.
All proposed projects should meet one of the SW REAP goals as follows:
For an application please contact our office.
In 1999, the North Dakota Legislative Assembly approved the Renaissance Zone Act to provide tax incentives to
encourage investment in downtown or other blighted properties. Existing and new owners of commercial and
residential properties within an established 23 block area in the City of Bowman (see map below) may be eligible
to receive property and state income tax incentives with a qualifying investment in a building purchase, new
construction or rehabilitation. Businesses leasing space in buildings improved as Renaissance Zone projects
may also be eligible for state income tax incentives.
Tax Incentives:
Business/Commercial Properties
Primary Residences
Applications must be approved before improvements begin. A renaissance Zone project must be approved by
the Bowman City Commission and the ND Department of Commerce before an eligible purchase, rehabilitation,
new construction project or lease of the property begins. A certificate of good standing from the ND Tax
Department is also required along with a business incentive agreement. Please allow three to four weeks
for the review process.
For an application please contact our office.
Business Eligibility:
Please contact the Bowman City Auditor or Bowman County Auditor for current Property Tax Exemptions available.
Agricultural Products Utilization Commission (APUC) creates new wealth and employment opportunities through the development of new and expanded uses of North Dakota’s agricultural products through a grant program.
A maximum of 15 qualifying applicants may present funding proposals on a quarterly basis for the following grant categories:
For more information: APUC Brochure
13 E Divide
PO Box 1143
Bowman, ND 58623
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MT
(Closed on legal holidays)