Planning & Zoning

Bowman County Planning and Zoning

The position of Bowman County Planning and Zoning Director is an appointed position.


The Department of Planning and Zoning is responsible for administration of the Bowman County zoning and subdivision regulations, staff support to the Bowman County Planning and Zoning Board, and long-range planning for land use and development in Bowman County.


All Agenda items must be submitted to the Bowman County Planning & Zoning Office for regularly scheduled meetings.  All items are due the week of the meeting by Tuesday at 4:30pm for the Thursday meeting at 6:00pm.  No other items will be discussed unless approved by the Bowman County Planning & Zoning Board.

County Planning & Zoning Minutes

June 13, 2024

The Bowman County Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on June 13, 2024. Members present: Chris Fischer, Jerid Janikowski, Doyle Kruger, Ryan Shear, and Rodney Schaaf.  Members absent: Jerry Jeffers, Myron Vail, and Dalton Williams. Also present: Zoning Director, Jodi Freier, Scott Jansen, Drew Christensen, Annette Wynkoop, Robin Braaten, Laura Braaten, Jason Kalina.

Chairman Fischer called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm. Fischer asked for corrections or additions to the agenda.  Janikowski moved to approve the agenda. Kruger seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.
Kruger moved to approve the May 9, 2024 minutes. Schaaf seconded the motion, and upon a vote the motion was carried unanimously.


Old Business:

Zoning Administrator Updates, Jodi Freier – Freier is still in the process of updating Zoning Ordinance Book. Freier is unable to attend a planning and zoning workshop hosted by Vision West on July 19, 2024 in Dickinson, but she will request a recording of the workshop so that she and any board member may review it.

Zoning Ordinance – Still working on it.

Material Adverse Impact Statement – Freier is still working with Karen Budd-Falen on the statement and had questions on where to put it into the zoning ordinance.


New Business:

Scott Jansen, Bowman Wind, LLC- Drew Christiansen gave an update on the AECP and also introduced engineer Annette Wynkoop.

Local Newspaper – Janikowski moved to publish approved minutes in the official county newspaper. Shear seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.

Gravel Pits-Variance Discussion

With no further business to discuss, Schaaf moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 pm, with Kruger seconding the motion.

Respectively submitted, Mindy Schumacher, Secretary

Bowman County Planning and Zoning Meeting

June 11, 2024  – 6:00pm



Call to Order


Approval of the Agenda and/or additions


Approval for minutes of the last meetings

  • June 13, 2024


Old Business

Zoning Administrator Updates- Jodi Freier

Gravel Pits

Material Adverse Impact Statement



New Business

Alternative Energy Construction Permit

Apex-Bowman Wind, LLC





All Agenda items must be submitted to the Bowman County Planning & Zoning Office for regularly scheduled meetings.  All items are due the week of the meeting by Tuesday at 4:30pm for the Thursday meeting at 6:00pm.  No other items will be discussed unless approved by the Bowman County Planning & Zoning Board.

County Planning and Zoning Meetings


The Bowman County Planning and Zoning board meet the 2nd Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October and December at 6pm in the County Commission Room of the Bowman County Courthouse. See the Meeting Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.


All Agenda items must be submitted to the Bowman County Planning & Zoning Office for regularly scheduled meetings.  All items are due the week of the meeting by Tuesday at 4:30pm for the Thursday meeting at 6:00pm.  No other items will be discussed unless approved by the Bowman County Planning & Zoning Board.

County Planning and Zoning Board


Chris FischerPresident
Rodd SchaffVice President
Ryan ShearMember
Myron VailMember
Jerid JanikowskiMember
Jerry JeffersMember
Doyle KrugerMember
Jodi FreierDirector




PHONE: (701) 523-3129

Bowman County Planning & Zoning
104 1st St NW, Suite 4
Bowman ND 58623


Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT

7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)