Bowman County Commissioners are elected at large on a non-partisan basis for staggered four-year terms. The County Commission is the governing body of the County responsible for overseeing County activities and working to ensure that citizen concerns are met, federal and state requirements are fulfilled, and County operations run smoothly.
The State constitution gives the Board of County Commissioners the power to adopt zoning ordinances (local laws), levy taxes, appropriations, authorize bonds, set salaries, approve bills, accept bids, approve the County budget and establish the requirements/policies for the Departments under its control.
The Board governs all unorganized townships of the County directly.
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on December 17, 2024, with the following present: Pine Abrahamson, Rick Braaten, Josh Buchmann, Jerid Janikowski, and Nathan Miller. Chairman Braaten called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Guest present, Karson Pederson. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Pastor Ed Kvaale shared a prayer.
Braaten asked for corrections or additions to the agenda. Janikowski moved to approve the agenda. Abrahamson seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.
The following December 17, 2024 vouchers were approved by a motion made by Buchmann, with Janikowski seconding the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.
39157 | A2Z Printing | $245.41 |
39158 | All Seasons Arena | $56,793.75 |
39159 | AXON | $10,000.00 |
39160 | Baycom | $4,212.00 |
39161 | Bowman Auto Parts | $370.02 |
39162 | Bowman Co. Housing Authority | $755.00 |
39192 | Southwest Shooting Club | $1,500.00 |
39163 | Brosz Engineering | $44,967.57 |
39164 | City of Bowman | $128.86 |
39165 | Consolidated | $1,822.74 |
39155 | Dacotah Paper Co | $1,785.36 |
39166 | Eide Bailly | $619.00 |
39167 | EIDO Connect | $48.00 |
39167 | EIDO Connect | $72.00 |
39168 | First International Bank | $530.02 |
39169 | Gail Hansey | $339.50 |
39170 | Gall’s | $152.43 |
39171 | Grafix Shoppe | $905.00 |
39172 | Great Plains Tower | $2,107.00 |
39173 | Guardian | $5,000.00 |
39175 | Intab | $443.94 |
39174 | ITD | $988.35 |
39176 | Little Missouri Ranch Supply | $62.94 |
39177 | Midwest Doors | $324.68 |
39178 | ND Assn of Counties | $9,519.00 |
39179 | ND Co. Auditor/Treasurer Assn | $400.00 |
39181 | NDSU | $399.99 |
39180 | ND Surplus | $20.00 |
39183 | NSC Minerals | $4,093.88 |
39182 | North Dakota Ag News | $119.00 |
39184 | ProPoint | $1,581.22 |
39185 | Quadient Finance | $4,000.00 |
39186 | Ramada | $192.60 |
39187 | Randy’s Welding | $3,054.72 |
39188 | Rick Braaten | $388.60 |
39189 | Scranton Equity | $4,821.30 |
39190 | SD DOT | $7,370.00 |
39191 | Slope Electric | $443.54 |
39194 | Steve Beylund Construction | $40,437.50 |
39193 | Stalker Radar | $2,845.00 |
39195 | Stryker Sales | $765.44 |
39196 | Subsurface, Inc | $11,500.00 |
39197 | SWMCCC | $8,750.00 |
39198 | The Badlands Patriot | $125.00 |
39199 | Verizon | $444.73 |
39200 | West Plains | $225.88 |
39201 | Western States Sheriff’s Assn | $100.00 |
Miller moved to approve the December 3, 2024, minutes with Buchmann seconding the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.
Janikowski moved to approve the 2025 Bowman County Economic Development Corporation contract and the Resolution for Funding FY 2025, with Buchmann seconding the motion. A roll call vote was taken: Janikowski; yes, Buchmann; yes, Abrahamson; yes, Miller; no, Braaten; yes. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on remaining ARPA funds. Miller moved to transfer $8,181.71 from ARPA Funds to the 911 Fund account. Abrahamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on the burn restriction. The current restriction will remain in effect.
Abrahamson moved to approve the 2025 Beer/Wine and Liquor Licenses for the following: Bowman County Fair Association, Sweetwater Golf Course, and 8512, LLC. Buchmann seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.
Buchmann moved to approve Bowman County Auditor, Mindy Schumacher, to process and pay all year-end invoices, and present at the January 7, 2025, commission meeting for review, with Janikowski seconding the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.
Discussion was held on the Citizen Interest Applications received for various Bowman County Boards. Buchmann moved to reappoint Rodney Schaff, Ryan Shear, and Myron Vail to four-year terms on the Planning and Zoning Board and to appoint Corey Stevenson to a two-year term on the Weed Board. The motion was seconded by Janikowski. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Janikowski moved to appoint Nathan Miller to replace Josh Buchmann on the Bowman County Housing Authority Board. Abrahamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, except Miller who abstained from voting. Motion carried.
Frank Eberle, BC Sheriff gave an update on his office.
Laci Coates, BCVSO, gave an update on her office.
Sean Stocker, Nate Wilson, Karson Pederson, and Apex Clean Energy met to discuss their boring and approach permits. Abrahamson stated that after looking at the proposed boring sites, it was observed that they were not staked properly. Abrahamson explained to the Apex personnel that the bore sites need to have a starting point of the proposed bore and the ending point of the proposed bore staked with a vertical lath, then two in front of the stake in the form of a “X” which will clarify the start point and the end point of each bore and therefore the length of the bore. This staking needs to be completed before the crossing can be looked at any further.
At 11 AM a joint meeting was held with the Harding County Commissioners, William H. Clarkson, John Helms, Hunter Kalisiak, Jason Latham, and Charles Verhulst. Also present: Harding County Auditor, Kathy Glines, Harding County Highway Superintendent, Jeremy Humbracht, BC Highway Superintendent, Shane Biggs, BC State’s Attorney, Andrew Weiss and Billy Doerr, Brosz Engineering. Discussion was held on the Box Elder Bridge. The NDDOT is requesting a signed MOU by the end of the year. There is an agreement in place that was signed on December 6, 2011. We will keep the current agreement in place with future discussion to be held regarding liability. State’s Attorney Weiss will work with Harding County State’s Attorney to draft a new agreement to be reviewed at a later date.
Discussion was held on road projects. Abrahamson moved to approve an Approach Permit from Mark Kelner. Janikowski seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Janikowski moved to approve the Overhead/Underground Right of Way Easement from Slope Electric. Abrahamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Abrahamson moved to approve Directional Boring Permit Application #1217 from Denbury. Buchmann seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Janikowski moved to approve Change Order #4 from Young Guns Construction for the Minnehaha Bridge Replacement Project for an increase of $1,705.00. Buchmann seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, except Abrahamson who abstained from voting. Motion caried. Janikowski moved to approve Change Order #5F for a decrease of $47,161.23 due to final quantities adjustment and Final Pay Application #3F of $54,494.87 from Young Guns Construction for the Minnehaha Bridge Replacement Project. Buchmann seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, except Abrahamson who abstained from voting. Motion carried.
At 12:32 PM Janikowski moved to adjourn the meeting, with Abrahamson seconding the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.
Rick Braaten, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners
ATTEST: Mindy Schumacher, Bowman County Auditor
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
9:00 AM
I. Call to order Chairman Braaten
II. Pledge of Allegiance – Prayer – Pastor Ron Wright
III. Consideration for Approval
A. Agenda
B. Vouchers
C. January 7, 2025 Minutes
D. 2025 Radar Service Contract
E. 2025 Road and Bridge Rates
F. Application for a Local Permit, Sunrise Foundation
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Bowman Wind (Apex Clean Energy) Boring and Approach Permits
B. Stockpile Agreements
C. Trane Service Agreement
D. FEMA Correspondence
V. New Business
VI. Scheduled Appointments Made in Advance
9:30 AM Margie Russ, Jesco Apartments, Bid Approval
9:45 Bruce Jones, Rhame Legion
10:00 Hearing for Re-Zoning Application, Tracy Schumacher/Marla Meggers
10:30 Frank Eberle, Bowman County Sheriff
10:45 Apex Clean Energy
11:00 Shane Biggs, Bowman County Highway Superintendent
Elected Officials Office Updates & Other
VII. Public Notices
VIII. Important Meeting Dates
Next Regularly Scheduled Commission Meeting –February 4, 2025, 9:00 AM
IX. Adjourn
Regular meetings of the Bowman County Commissioners are generally the first and third Tuesday of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the commissioner room located on the lower level of the courthouse.
(701) 279-5530
Rick was first elected as a Bowman County Commissioner in November 2008. He is a 1975 graduate of Bowman High School and graduated from NDSU in 1979 with a BS degree in Agricultural Economics. Rick is married to Laurie Fish and they four sons. Rick engages in farm and ranch work.
Other Offices Held:
(701) 206-0578
Josh graduated in 1996 from Bowman High School and attended NDSCS, graduating in 1999. He moved back to Bowman in 2006. He has two children; his daughter lives in Wahpeton and works for NDSCS and his son attends Bowman High School.
Other Offices Held:
(701) 206-0710
Nathan was elected to the Bowman County Commission in 2024.
Other Offices Held:
Pine was first elected as a Bowman County Commissioner in 2004. Pine was born and raised in Bowman County. He has been engaged in agriculture his entire life; he is the third generation to be involved on the family farm where he spends many hours working with his youngest daughter her husband. Pine is married with 4 children and 4 grandchildren.
Other Offices Held:
(701) 440-8445
Jerid was elected to the Bowman County Commission in 2022.
Other Offices Held:
PHONE: (701) 523-3130
Bowman County Auditor
104 1st St NW, Suite 1
Bowman ND 58623
Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)