Airport Authority

Bowman County Airport Authority

Bowman County has a new, larger regional airport to support the state’s economic boom. The new facility has a 5,700-foot runway. The extra runway length will enable a wider variety of aircraft types to utilize the facility.


The updated Bowman Airport helps provide infrastructure needs of airports in western North Dakota and aids as an economic engine for the entire region.

Airport Authority Minutes

Nov 25, 2024


Bowman County Airport Authority Minutes 

December 16, 2024 


Bowman County Airport Authority Minutes 

December 16, 2024 


Members present: Rod Schaaf, Brent Sanford & Bob Morland 

Members Absent: Ryan Evans & Terry Schaaf 

Others present: Gary Brennan, Brosz Engineering 


  1. President Rod Schaaf called the meeting to order. 
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting (November 25, 2024) were reviewed. Brent moved to approve the minutes. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried. 
  1. Financial reports – Bob moved to approve the financials. Brent seconded the motion. Motion carried.  
  1. Gary reported on proposed planning study for crosswind runway. Gary will try to get cost estimates before the Board decides. 
  1. The next meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2025. 


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.  




PHONE: (701) 523-3130

Bowman County Airport Authority
104 1st St NW, Suite 1
Bowman ND 58623


Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT

7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)