The City of Bowman formally established their ETA in 2011, prior to the preparation of this Comprehensive Plan, by zoning all of the land in the ETA. According to North Dakota Century Code City of Bowman has sole zoning and subdivision authority within the inner 1/2 mile of the ETA. Century code allows the city and county to establish an agreement which would make the city responsible for the entire ETA. In Bowman’s case, the county did agree to that, but the city has chosen to limit their sole jurisdiction to the inner half mile. Zone changes in this area should be processed in the same manner as zone changes inside city limits. The outer half of the ETA will remain in joint jurisdiction between the city and the county for both zoning and subdivision authority. Under this scenario, the primary jurisdiction will accept and act on applications for a zone change or subdivision within the outer 1/2 mile of ETA. Once decision has been made, the secondary jurisdiction will be notified and will have 30 days to object to the action.
The City of Bowman currently has eight zoning districts. They include:
• R-1: Residential District, Single-Family
• R-2: Residential District, Multi-Family
• MH-1: Mobile Home Court District
• PUD: Planned Unit Development District
• C-1: Downtown Commercial District
• I: Industrial District
• P: Park and Public District
These eight districts provide for a range of uses, especially residential, allowing the City to establish acceptable land use transitions through the appropriate application of transitional zoning districts. As the oil industry continues to move to the south, to the City may revisit the commercial and industrial districts to clarify allowed uses and consider the creation of additional districts that further limit the range of permitted commercial and industrial uses.
City Hall (701) 523-3309
FAX: (701) 523-5716
101 1st ST NE
PO Box 12
Bowman, ND 58623
Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)