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City Commission Minutes

December 23, 2024 and January 7, 2025
4:00 pm

Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting held on December 23, 2024, at City Hall at 4:00 PM.

Present:  President Lyn James, Vice-Chair Ryan Shear, Benjamin Schaaf, Sara Bullis, Chief Headley, Todd Hofland, Aaron Allen, Shannon Hewson, Brad Mosher, Miles Akin, Miles Waterbury, Mike Beylund, and Peggy Allen.  Absent: Myron Vail and Bill Mason

President James called the meeting order at 4:00 pm.  Motion by Shear, second by Schaaf to approve the amended agenda. RCV= all aye, MC.

                Direct Deposit: $32,860.10; Check #14175 – 14210, 94255; Voided Checks: 14201; Bills:  1st Stop Sign Shop $100.29, A2Z Printing $677.95, Advanced Business Methods $203.94, AT and T $828.68, Boss Office Products $334.94, Bowman Auto Parts $28.98, BCDC $34,089.48, Bowman Park and Rec $3,684.79, Bowman Sales and Service $17.07, BR Construction and Flooring $11,389.35, Cenex Fleetcard $4,380.20, Consolidated Telecom $1,172.34, Coyle Electric $102.80, Hawkins $120.00, Heick’s Services $450.00, John Deere Financial $30.96, Lasting Visions $90.00, ND Information tech $125.40, Newby’s Ace Hardware $129.46, NSC Minerals $4,859.74, One Call $63.00, ProPoint Cooperative $1,351.08, Roughrider Industries $12,448.00, Slope Electric $1,207.00, Southwest Healthcare $250.00, SW District Health $50.00, West Plains Implement $480.88, Westlie Truck Center $1,246.85, Wild and Weiss $200.00, Woodley Construction $10.47, Bowman Park and Rec $34,084.57, Dakota Western Bank $101.26, Bowman Cemetery $196.54, and Fallon County Treasurer $6,233.85.  City of Bowman $170,000.00. (Move funds from DCB to DWB)

Tax and Tourism Checks: #14205 – 14206

Tax and Tourism Bills: Bowman Chamber of Commerce $2,010.00 and BCDC $11,685.87


                TAP Grant Application: Applying for a walking path to The Edge and replacement of the current walking path that is full of cracks.  The street crew has tried several things to repair the cracks, and nothing fixes them.  Hewson typed a letter of support and the application that James needs to sign that goes with the application.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Shear to approve signing the TAP application and Letter of Support for the Walking Path Project.  RCV= all aye, MC.

Chip Seal Task Order: Hewson presented the task order for the Chip Seal Project for James to sign.  Estimated cost of $25,000.00 for engineering prep work.  Motion by Shear, second by Schaaf to approve James signing the task order for Chip Seal 2025 project.  RCV= all aye, MC.


Dept. Head Report: Hofland presented a quote for a 2024 John Deere FC12E flex wing rotary cutter in the amount of $17,500 and trading in our 2011 John Deere MX8 mower in of $7,000.00, leaving a balance of $10,500.00.  This mower has two wings, so it’s bigger and they offered more for the trade in than the City paid for it.  Motion by Shear, second by Bullis to purchase the 2024 John Deere FC12E flex wing Cutter and trade in the 2011 John Deere MX8 mower from Gooseneck Implement in the amount of $10,500.00 with the funds coming out of the Street Equipment Fund.  RCV= all aye, MC.


Activity Report for 12/2/24 – 12/21/24: Incidents- 10 (traffic stops-3, weapon offense, wanted person, unattended death, alcohol offense, unruly child, assault, simple assault and ID theft); Calls for Service – 63 (extra patrol-21, public relations-7, welfare check4, information report-3, truancy-3, suspicious person-2, dog or cat running at large-2, unruly child-2, citizen assist-2, domestic disturbance-2, 911 hang up call-2, agency assistance, lockout, noise complaint, traffic complaint, disorderly conduct, scam, runaway juvenile, found property, motorist assist, traffic hazard, harassing phone call/letter, parking problem, and intoxicated person),Traffic Stops – 78 (citations-30, written warning-30, verbal warning-15, and arrest-3); Arrests – 4 (criminal offense, court order violation, and driving while suspended-2).

Firearms: We have been gifted 6 firearms from the State that have been in our possession since before Chief Headley started working here. They do not want the guns back and stated we can do what we want with them.  Headley stated we would keep them and if needed, we will issue to an officer if he needs a weapon.

Project Blue Hands: Chief Headley would like to start this program after the first of the year.  It’s a registry program for people with developmental disabilities.  Under this program, parents, relatives, and guardians provide police with detailed info about routines, behavior, and needs of those with disabilities, including Autism, Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Down Syndrome.  They just fill out information so family can be contacted if needed.  Headley will do a news release with the newspaper and go on the radio to inform the community about the program.  The only cost would be to get blue decals for the vehicles of the registrants.


                Zoning Administrator Compensation: Beylund and Shear from the Zoning Commission addressed compensation for Zoning responsibilities absorbed by the Auditors Office, with Allen taking the lead as Zoning Administrator.  A “one time” salary adjustment, compliant with legal guidelines, was proposed.  Motion by Shear, second by Bullis to provide a “one-time” salary adjustment of $7,500.00 for Allen and $1,000 for McGee, to be paid from the 2024 Zoning Budget with appropriate budget amendments made as necessary. RCV= all aye, MC.


Dept. Head Report:  Everything is going well, nothing to report.


                Budget, Transfer, and Create Funds: Allen presented the annual transfers, budget amendments and the create of two funds as presented below:




                   Budget Amendments

Fund      Account Obj.      Fund/Account Description          Amount

1000       413500  240         Worksman’s Comp                         $913.12

1000       415000  212         Supply Refund                                  $79,301.15

1000       415000  321         Insurance – Business                      $3,550.00

1000       415000  410         Supplies                                              $1,208.07

1000       415000  420         Upkeep                                                $1,433.27

1000       415000  853         Office Equip Maintenance            $1,016.09

1000       421500  106         Overtime – PD                                   $2,384.21

1000       421500  123         Office Operation                             $1,360.39

1000       421500  233         Secretary Retire ment                     $1,013.32

1000       421500  351         Phone                                                  $3,293.11

1000       427000  331         Audit                                                    $7,000.00

1000       431000  321         Insurance – Business                      $2,323.06

1000       431500  155         Street Lights                                      $7,813.67

1000       432500  304         Boulevard Maintenance                $2,085.98

1000       451000  964         State Aid to Park & Rec                 $1,904.18

1000       461617  241         Transfers                                            $424,631.00

2007       431000  992         ARPA                                                    $128,029.87

2008       421500  111         Grant Reimburse                             $1,462.00

2008       421500  221         Social Security                                   $111.84

2008       421500  126         Training                                               $0.08

2111       435600  157         Park & Rec City Sales Tax              $73,112.35

2200       419200  893         Downtown Façade                         $625.00

2201       419200  131         Workforce                                         $10,068.97

2260       415362  362         Occupancy                                         $42,957.49

2400       478700  574         Sidewalk – TAP Grant                     $13,216.80

3005       431000  161         Street Equipment                           $21.50

3005       431000  992         Truck Purch – Street                       $27,168.13

3035       421215  215         Police Equip – Body Cam                $9,278.64

3045       414000  540         Equip Purchase                                $879.99

3045       415000  540         Equip Purchase                                $3,198.00

3069       431000  313         Chip Seal Engineering                    $2,472.50

3090       451200  574         City Maintenance                           $91,136.86

6010       434000  218         Chemicals                                           $3,330.13

6010       434000  343         Emergency Repairs                         $14,717.09

6010       434000  422         Well #2 Utilities                                $2,504.14

6010       434000  423         Well #3 Utilities                                $1,327.69

6010       434000  425         Well #4 Utilities                                $2,352.10

6010       434000  426         Well #6 Utilities                                $2,641.61

6010       434000  556         Software                                            $1,017.00

6010       434000  959         GIS                                                        $700.00

6020       433000  432         Main Lift Station                              $2,166.39

6020       433000  433         Cells                                                      $5,370.78

6060       434000  313         Water Bldg. Engineering                $32,515.00

6060       434000  570         Land/New Tanks                             $25,000.00

6080       436000  321         Business Insurance                          $5,168.27

6080       436000  490         Misc                                                      $1,831.82

6080       436000  854         Dumpsters                                          $12,900.00

6080       436000  855         Tipping                                                $17,099.65

6080       436000  859         Fees                                                     $854.75

6085       436000  992         Truck Purchase                                $254,000.00

6220       433000  550         New Pump                                         $28,292.34

6020       461617  241         Unused Funds                                  $8,000.00

1000       418000  111         Salaries                                                $4,913.26

1000       421500  106         PD Overtime                                     $2,396.16

2010       431000  111         Street Salaries                                   $6,892.00

6080       436000  111         Garbage Salaries                               $3,362.00

Create Fund: Allen requested to create two funds that were needed to do the 2024 budgeted transfers of unused funds for cold mix, grinding asphalt and childcare: Fund #2251 for Cold Mix and Asphalt Funds and Fund #2203 Childcare.

Motion by Shear, second by Schaaf to approve the annual budget amendments, transfers and creating of fund numbers as presented.  RCV= all aye, MC.

Cleaning Bid: Due to a discrepancy in the cleaning bid that was opened as the last meeting, Olind was asked to resubmit her bid.  James opened the bid from Loretta Olind for City Hall in the amount of $750 and the Joint Shop in the amount of $400.00 per month.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Shear to approve Loretta Olind’s bid in the amount of $400.00 for the Joint City/County Shop and City Hall in the amount of $750.00.  RCV= all aye, MC.

2025 Meeting Dates: Allen asked if anyone had any known conflicts with the 2025 meeting dates and all the Commissioners were okay with the dates.  Allen will be gone for the first meeting in January and McGee will sit in for her.

Sign Behind Commission Table: Allen presented a quote from Harriman Welding for the sign.  Bullis showed the Commission another sign from Badlands Laser, so they asked her to get a quote from them for our sign before they make a decision.  Allen said the 1st Stop Sign shop is also working on a   quote for a sign.

Raised Commission Table Ledge: James Cabinetry also included the cost of putting a backer on one of our maps and hanging it.  Motion by Shear, second by Schaaf to approve the quote for James Cabinet and Remodeling for the raised ledge for the Commission table and two locking file cabinets in the amount of $4,861.15.  A deposit of $2,916.69 is paid up front with the remainder being paid after installation $1,9861.15.  RCV= all aye, James Abstained, MC.


2025 Liquor License Renewals: Allen presented a list of liquor license renewal applications for 2025.  All of the property’s taxes are current and Allen asked Chief Headley if he had any issues with the licenses being renewed and he said no.

Licenses for renewal are:  Frontier Travel Center Class VI License #LL-02 for Off Sale Beer and Wine, Windy’s Bar Class I License #LL-18 for On and Off Sale, Silver Dollar Bar and Grill Class I for ON and Off Sale License #LL-21, Bowman Lodge Class VIII-A License LL-11 On Sale Liquor and Beer, Bronson’s Marketplace Class III Off Sale Liquor and Beer License #LL-16, South Main Lanes Class I License #LL-23 On and Off Sale, and Crystal Bar Class I License #LL-17.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Shear to approve the liquor license as presented for 2025 year.  RCV= all aye, MC.


Maintenance Position: Waterbury introduced their new maintenance guy for Park and Rec,his name is Miles Akin from Alaska.  They will have the Ice rink up next week and will be filled.

Memo of Understanding: Waterbury said the Memorandum of Understanding will be signed at their next meeting and then they will get it to us for James’ signature.

Walking Path: Waterbury said there are 90 cracks on the walking path, and inquired about fixing it.  James informed him that we are applying for a TAP grant to fix it.

City Sales Tax Request: Allen presented a request for city sales tax from Park and Rec.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Shear to approve the city sales tax request for Park and Rec in the amount of $34,084.57.  RCV= all aye, MC.


Computers: The police department needs two new computer workstations; their computers are at least 7 years old and do not let them access information from government sites.  Our IT guy gave Allen the specifications that he felt we needed and gave us a quote from HP.  The CPU portion is $1,989 per unit without monitor and shipping.  Allen informed them there is money in the police capital fund that can pay for them.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Bullis to purchase two new desktops with monitors.  RCV= all aye, MC.

All Hazards Training: Allen inquired who would be attending because the instructor needs a headcount.  James will be gone, A. Allen, P. Allen, Headley, Ness, Shear, Bullis, Schaaf, and Hofland will be attending.


Daniel Julson was called over the conference phone speaker and he reviewed the audit he performed for 2023 and discussed his findings.  The City Commission gave permission to have it forwarded to the state.


Next Meeting: 1/11/25 All Hazards Training and 1/7/25 regular meeting at 4:00 pm.

Motion by Shear, second by Schaaf to approve the bills, November 2024 Financials, and 12/3/24 Meeting Minutes.  RCV= all aye, MC.

President James adjourned the meeting at 5:10 pm.

Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting held on January 7, 2025, at City Hall at 4:00 PM.

Present: Vice-Chair Ryan Shear, Benjamin Schaaf, Sara Bullis, Myron Vail, Chief Headley, Bill Mason, Todd Hofland, Stacy McGee, Brad Mosher, Brooklyn Englehart and Gene Ann Kulseth.  Absent: Aaron Allen, Peggy Allen, and Lyn James

Vice President Shear called the meeting order at 4:00 pm.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Bullis    to approve the amended agenda with the addition of the Bowman Park and Rec Sales Tax request. RCV= all aye, MC.

                Direct Deposit: $39,795.96; Checks #14211 – 14225; Voided Checks: #14201; Bills: Boss Office Products $52.94, Frontier Travel Center $423.99, James Cabinet $2,916.69, Motorola Solutions $894.70, Nadine Julson CPA $7,500.00, Northwest Tire $80.78, VISA $1,504.61, A2Z Printing $1,205.12, Boss Office Products $52.94, Dakota Dust-Tex $121.30, Hawkins $1,232.27, Loretta Olind $725.00, MDU $10,170.00, MFOA $80.00, and ND League of Cities $2,405.00.


Dept. Head Report:   No Report


                Dept Head Report:  Mason reported a water leak on 6th Avenue. JK Excavation was contacted and assisted in completing the repair.


Activity Report for 12/22/24 – 1/5/25:  Incidents – 9 (traffic complaint, driving while suspended, DUI – 2, driving while suspended – 3, and traffic accident-2); Calls for Service – 21 (traffic accident with damage-3, 911 hangup-3, motorist assist-3, traffic complaint, citizen dispute, vicious animal, injured animal, house watch, extra patrol, lockout, criminal trespass, information report, agency assistance, suspicious vehicle, circumstance, and domestic disturbance); Traffic Stops – 54 (citation-19, written warning-19, verbal warning-10, and arrest -6); Arrests – 6 (other criminal offense/driving while suspended-4 and DUI-2).


Resolution #2024-W/S-21 Sewer and Vector Service Rate for 2025: The Commission reviewed Resolution #2024-W/S-21, establishing 2025 Sewer and Vector rate increases.  Bowman residential sewer monthly fee is set at $12.50 per account and vector monthly fee is set at $1.00 per account.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Bullis to approve Resolution #2024-W/S 21 Rate Increase. RCV= all aye, MC.

Resolution #2024- G-9 Refuse Service Rate for 2025: The Commission reviewed Resolution 2024-G-9, establishing 2025 refuse service rate increase. Bowman residential monthly fee is set at $27.00 per account, while customers using dumpsters will be charged according to the size and frequency of pickups.  Reference rate sheet.   Motion by Schaaf, second by Vail to approve Resolution #2024-G-9 rate increase. RCV= all aye, MC.

Employee Policy Manual: An updated version of the Employee Policy Manual was distributed to the Commission for review. Further discussion is scheduled for the next meeting.

Energy Savings Grant:  The Energy Saving Grant proposal to replace inside and outside lighting with energy-efficient LED lights was presented. The estimated City share of the project is $9,405.44.  Motion by Vail, second by Schaaf to approve the Energy Saving Grant. RCV= all aye, MC.

Board Room Sign:  The Commission discussed the potential installation of a City of Bowman sign in the Commission room. The topic was tabled for further discussion regarding size and cost analysis.


Denbury Tree Grant Opportunity: Denbury has opened a grant program for communities to establish trees in their towns, with specific stipulations regarding tree placement. Englehart proposed planting trees along Highway 12 near the frontage roads.

The Commission discussed the possibility of the City crew assisting with the labor for planting the trees. It was noted that there will be a meeting the following day to finalize details and gather input from all parties it will involve.

The BCDC has committed to matching any difference not covered by the grant. Additionally, a suggestion was made to consider utilizing a Tax & Tourism grant to assist with the project.


Bowman Park and Rec submitted a sales tax request for software at $29,000.00 and roof payment.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Bullis to approve the Park and Rec Sales Tax request in the amount of $29,000.00. RCV= all aye, MC.


The owner of 8512 addressed the Commission seeking a resolution to ongoing parking conflicts near her building and the adjacent frontage road. She reported losing customers due to disputes with the building owner next to her, who has raised complaints about her customers parking and/or blocking entrance to his property.

The road in front of both properties is a DOT public road, no individual has the authority to restrict parking or unloading. Law Enforcement has been involved in relaying information among other guidelines to the building owner. Law enforcement involvement is limited unless specific complaints are filed.

The Commission discussed having our City Attorney send a formal letter addressing the issue, delivered by the police department. Further actions, including zoning considerations, police interactions may be explored.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Vail to have Shear visited with our City Attorney on sending a formal letter addressing the situation.  RCV= all aye, MC.

Motion by Schaaf, second by Bullis to approve the November 2024 Financial Report,12/23/24 Meeting Minutes and bills as presented.  RCV=all aye, MC.


Next Meeting: 1/11/25 All Hazards Training from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm and 1/21/25 Regular City Commission Meeting at 4:00 pm.

Vice President Shear adjourned the meeting at 4:55 pm.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 4:00 pm

Bowman City Hall, 101 1st St. NE


*Agenda Policy*:  The City follows a strict agenda policy in order to insure transparency to the citizens of Bowman.  NO topics will be discussed that are not on the agenda unless said topic constitutes an emergency action.  This agenda has a rolling schedule so scheduled appointments may take place sooner than the scheduled time unless it is a public hearing.


 4:00  –  4:05 PM               Call Meeting to Order, Approval of Agenda and Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioners Review of Bills

4:05 – 4:30PM                  Dept. Head Reports/Engineering (McGee, A. Allen, Hofland, Mason, Chief Headley, and Brosz Engineering)


Library Board Nomination

Gaming Permit #24-64 for Bowman Rotary

TIF District 30 Day Deadline up for Response from Taxing Entities

All Hazards Training Report

Landfill Tires -Grind Up Funds not used, supposed to transfer if not used in 24

Commission Room Sign Quotes



Employee Policy Manual



Highway 85 Informational Meeting

Emergency Training


Open Forum


Close of Meeting

  • Approval of Bills, December 2024 Financials and 1/7/25 Meeting Minutes.
  • Next Meeting Date: 1/27/26 EOC Meeting/Training at 6:00 PM In County Commission Room and 2/4/25 at 4:00 PM

Adjournment of Meeting

2025 Bowman City Commission Meeting Dates

Meetings start at 4:00 PM at City Hall, unless otherwise stated!

January 7                                                      July 1

January 21*                                                 July 15

July 22, 24, and 28***

February 4                                                   August 5

February 18                                                 August 19

March 4                                                        September 2*

March 18                                                      September 16

April 1                                                            October 7

April 1 – Equalization Mtg. 3:30 pm      October 21

April 15

May 6                                                            November 4

May 20                                                          November 18

June 3                                                            December 2

June 17                                                         December 29**


* Meeting falls the day after a holiday; therefore, the agenda requests must be in the City Auditors Office by the Friday before the meeting at 11:00 am.

** Normal Meeting:   Date was rescheduled to this date.

*** 2025 Budget Prep Meetings:  July 22nd will start at 10:00 am and the 24th meeting will start at 8:00 am and lunch will be from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm and will recess when done completing a “section” of the budget and reconvene the next day at 8:00 am.   July 28th will be an extra day if needed.


2025 Bowman City Zoning Commission

Meeting Dates

January 14                                                   July 8

February 11                                                 August 12

March 11                                                      September 9

April 8                                                            October 7

May 13                                                          November 11

June 10                                                         December 9

If there is nothing on the agenda when the meeting date comes, the meeting will be cancelled.  As permits dictate, other meetings may be scheduled.

Please check with the Zoning Administrator to verify the meeting is taking place, this is just a guide.

January – March meetings will start at 5:30 pm

April – October will start at 6:30 pm

November – December will start at 5:30 pm

Lyn James

President of the City Commission


Lyn James is the owner of Flowers and Cappuccino by Lasting Visions in Bowman, ND, and has been in business for 33 years. She is passionate about her community and is currently serving her fifth term as President of the Bowman City Commission, after serving two terms as a City Commissioner. Lyn also serves on the Bowman County Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, is the Chair of the Bowman Tax and Tourism Committee and is a member of the Bowman Area Chamber of Commerce and Bowman Rotary Club. She represents North Dakota cities as a member of the ND Peace Officers Standards and Training Board, as the Chair of the ND Economic Development Foundation Board of Directors, the Western Dakota Energy Association Executive Board, and the ND Workforce Development Council. Lyn is the past President of the ND League of Cities Executive Board and served as a member of the Bowman Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, along with various other local and regional boards, committees, and advisory positions.


City Commissioner                                                President of City Commission


Term 1           1996-2000                                            Term 1           2004-2008


Term 2           2000-2004                                           Term 2           2008-2012


.                                                                                    Term 3            2012-2016


.                                                                                    Term 4           2016-2020


.                                                                                    Term 5           2020-2024

Ryan Shear

Street & Garbage Commissioner


Ryan Shear was born and raised in Bowman.  He is currently seated as the Vice President of the City Commission.   He moved to Redmond, OR in 2006 and graduated from Redmond High School Global Academy in 2008.   He then moved back to Bowman, and while working; did online courses with Rasmussen College for Criminal Justice. Currently, he is the manager at Professional Auto Body LLC.  Ryan as two children: Isaiah and Isabella. Ryan is very community minded and cares deeply about the present and future of Bowman.


During Ryan’s off time, he volunteers for Bowman Ambulance as an EMR. He has been a part of the squad since 2009. He is a representative for the City Commission on the City Planning & Zoning Board, County Zoning Board, & The Bowman Renaissance Zone Authority. Ryan also likes to spend his free time traveling and spending quality time with his family.


City Commissioner

Term 1           2016 – 2020

Term 2           2020 – 2024

Mryon “Tiger” Vail

Water/Sewer Commissioner


Myron was raised in Bowman and graduated from Bowman High School in 1977.  He furthered his education at NDSSS Electrical and became an electrician and owned and operated Tiger Electric in Bowman for 20 years and has since retired.


He is married to Lori Vail and together they have 3 children (Leah, Forrest and Brent).


Myron currently serves on the Bowman County Zoning Board and the City of Bowman Tree Board.  His hobbies including flipping houses and being a Grandpa.


Myron’s motto is “Fixing up Bowman, one house at a time


City Commissioner

Term 1           1992 – 1996

Term 2           2016 – 2020

Term 3           2020 – 2024

Benjamin (Benji) Schaaf

Police Commissioner


Benji is a native of Bowman, graduating Bowman High School.  He is married to Lindsey and together have two children, Emma and Evan.  Benji currently works as the parts manager for Bowman Sales and Service and is a member of the Bowman Assembly of God Church, serving as an Awana leader.  He is a volunteer with the Bowman Ambulance Squad and is serving on the Bowman Regional Public Library board.  His hobbies include riding motorcycle, watching supercross and motocross, and spending time with his family.


City Commissioner


Term 1           2018-2022




PHONE: (701) 523-3309

101 1st St NE
Bowman, ND 58623


Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT

7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)