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City Commission Minutes

March 4, 2025
4:00 pm

Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting held on March 4, 2025 at City Hall at 4:00 PM.

Present:  Lyn James, President, Vice-Chair Ryan Shear, Benjamin Schaaf, Sara Bullis, Myron Vail, Chief Headley, Bill Mason, Steve Ness, Peggy Allen, and Aaron Allen.  Absent: Shannon Hewson and Todd Hofland.

President James called the meeting order at 4:00 pm.  Motion by Shear, second by Schaaf    to approve the agenda. RCV= all aye, MC.

                Direct Deposit: $35,560.12; Checks #14301 – 14318; Voided Checks: None; Bills: Advanced Business Methods $183.75, Badlands Patriot $965.30, Boss Office Products $356.95, Bowman Auto Parts $201.06, Bowman Park and Rec $4,538.26, Bowman Sales and Service $282.82, Bowman Vet Clinic $185.00, Bronson’s Marketplace $62.46, Brosz Engineering $7,287.50, Dakota Dust-Tex $126.30, Frontier Travel Center $709.37, Hawkins $939.83, Loretta Olind $1,150.00, MDU $10,976.52, ND Dept. of Environmental Quality $525.00, Team Laboratory $751.00, VISA $1,422.82, and Workforce Safety and Insurance $13,024.51.


Chip Seal:  Hewson was not present but sent a report and asked for approval to advertise for chip seal bids.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Shear to approve advertising for chip seal bids and have James sign the Invitation For Bid.  RCV= all aye, MC.

Water Tank Engineering Cost Share Grant:  Allen presented the contract the Hewson sent for the cost share of the water tank engineering.  The State Water Commission will pay $132,000.00 and the City will be responsible for $88,000.00.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Bullis to approve James signing the cost share reimbursement agreement with the State Water Commission, based on our engineers review of suggested actions addressed by our City Attorney.  RCV= all aye, MC.


                Dept Head Report:  Mason reported a water leak by the Krebsbach/Kulseth Funeral Home in the street.  JK Excavation couldn’t get here until the next day to help dig up the leak, the frost was down 4’ in the ground.  The funeral home and two houses were without water over night.

Water Dept. Pickup:  A rabbit went through the grill of the new water pickup, Mason ordered a new grill.


Garbage Truck Repairs:  Allen stated he had a couple of garbage trucks go down during the cold spell.  One truck gelled up near Baker.  Another truck that had a radiator replaced twice has been leaking, he patched it and it is working for now.  Westlie Truck Center employee said there is a manufacturer problem with the radiators.   Hopefully they will warranty this one also.

The 2017 Freightliner has 165,000 miles on it and 10,000 hours.  It has an oil leak and has an appointment at Westlie Truck Center in Dickinson, because it keeps going into D rate after they regenerate it.


Activity Report for 2/17/25 – 3/2/25:  Incidents-4 (traffic stop, domestic disturbance, theft automobile, narcotics/paraphernalia possession, and leaving the scene of an accident); Calls for Service – 36 (information report-8, extra patrol-7, public relations-3, narcotics intelligence -2, traffic complaint-2, welfare check-2, medical emergency-2, violation of city ordinance, citizen assist, 911 hangup, business courtesy/security check, suspicious person/circumstance, dog or cat running at large, domestic disturbance, theft/automobile, direct traffic, and industrial accident; Traffic Stops – 57 (verbal warning-26, written warning-17, citation-13, and arrest-1); Arrests – 2 (drug possession-2 , traffic violation, drug sale/manufacture, and other criminal offense.)

DARE Graduation: There will be a DARE Graduation on March 31st at the WE Solberg Gym at 2:00 pm, Chief Headley invited Allen and the Commission to attend.  There will be 39 graduates.  Headley asked James to speak and he is trying to get a BCI person to speak at the event.

Guardian Score Program:  Headley gave a presentation to the Commission on a Police/Community Relations program called Guardian Score.  It would entail handing out business cards with a one-time scan QR code that leads to a questionnaire to rate the officer.  The results go into a database at Guardian Score and then they send a report back to the City with feedback on each officer.  The questionnaire is anonymous.  Headley is hoping that the Commission can see more of the good that they do.  A year’s usage is approximately $2,500 a year for our size of community, which includes the cost of the business cards for each officer.  James likes this program because it gives the public a voice and gives the Commission the tools to act if there is a problem, especially if there is a consistent problem.  The Commission is in favor of this program and gave approval for Headley to contact the company and come back with an exact amount for approval.


                Tax and Tourism Appointment:  Melissa Lindstrom has been added to the Tax and Tourism board and is replacing Rebecca Cummins.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Shear to appoint Melissa Lindstrom to take Rebeccas Cummins place. RCV= all aye, MC.

Windy’s Liquor License:  The application for the transfer of Windy’s Bar liquor license to Dobson Crew has been withdrawn.

City Attorney Appointment:  Steve Wild has officially retired so the City needs to appoint a new City Attorney.  Motion by Schaaf, second by Shear to appoint Andrew Weiss as our City Attorney.  RCV= all aye, MC.

Allen Schedule and Training:  Allen has to go to Mayo Clinic for six days, then there is a City meeting on the 18th, and then the NDLC conference is the next two days.  Allen inquired if they wanted her to attend the training and if any of them were going to attend.  Motion by Shaaf, second by Vail to have Allen attend NDLC Conference in Bismarck March 19-20 and to include the grant writing training also.  Due to this meeting the City Commission meeting on the 18th will be changed to the 25th.  RCV= all aye, MC.

                NDIRF Insurance:  Allen received correspondence suggesting that the City should place signage outside when its slippery.  Allen will see what kind of signage she can find and bring it back to the Commission Meeting.


Next Meeting: 3/25/25 at 4:00 PM

Motion by Shear, second by Schaaf to approve the bills and the 2/18/25 Meeting Minutes.  RCV= all aye, MC.

President James adjourned the meeting at 4:55 pm.

The City Commission Meeting for March 18th has been moved to March 25th.

2025 Bowman City Commission Meeting Dates

Meetings start at 4:00 PM at City Hall, unless otherwise stated!

January 7                                                      July 1

January 21*                                                 July 15

July 22, 24, and 28***

February 4                                                   August 5

February 18                                                 August 19

March 4                                                        September 2*

March 25**                                                  September 16

April 1                                                            October 7

April 1 – Equalization Mtg. 3:30 pm      October 21

April 15

May 6                                                            November 4

May 20                                                          November 18

June 3                                                            December 2

June 17                                                         December 29**


* Meeting falls the day after a holiday; therefore, the agenda requests must be in the City Auditors Office by the Friday before the meeting at 11:00 am.

** Normal Meeting:   Date was rescheduled to this date.

*** 2025 Budget Prep Meetings:  July 22nd will start at 10:00 am and the 24th meeting will start at 8:00 am and lunch will be from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm and will recess when done completing a “section” of the budget and reconvene the next day at 8:00 am.   July 28th will be an extra day if needed.



Lyn James

President of the City Commission


Lyn James is the owner of Flowers and Cappuccino by Lasting Visions in Bowman, ND, and has been in business for 33 years. She is passionate about her community and is currently serving her fifth term as President of the Bowman City Commission, after serving two terms as a City Commissioner. Lyn also serves on the Bowman County Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, is the Chair of the Bowman Tax and Tourism Committee and is a member of the Bowman Area Chamber of Commerce and Bowman Rotary Club. She represents North Dakota cities as a member of the ND Peace Officers Standards and Training Board, as the Chair of the ND Economic Development Foundation Board of Directors, the Western Dakota Energy Association Executive Board, and the ND Workforce Development Council. Lyn is the past President of the ND League of Cities Executive Board and served as a member of the Bowman Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, along with various other local and regional boards, committees, and advisory positions.


City Commissioner                                                President of City Commission


Term 1           1996-2000                                            Term 1           2004-2008


Term 2           2000-2004                                           Term 2           2008-2012


.                                                                                    Term 3            2012-2016


.                                                                                    Term 4           2016-2020


.                                                                                    Term 5           2020-2024

Ryan Shear

Street & Garbage Commissioner


Ryan Shear was born and raised in Bowman.  He is currently seated as the Vice President of the City Commission.   He moved to Redmond, OR in 2006 and graduated from Redmond High School Global Academy in 2008.   He then moved back to Bowman, and while working; did online courses with Rasmussen College for Criminal Justice. Currently, he is the manager at Professional Auto Body LLC.  Ryan as two children: Isaiah and Isabella. Ryan is very community minded and cares deeply about the present and future of Bowman.


During Ryan’s off time, he volunteers for Bowman Ambulance as an EMR. He has been a part of the squad since 2009. He is a representative for the City Commission on the City Planning & Zoning Board, County Zoning Board, & The Bowman Renaissance Zone Authority. Ryan also likes to spend his free time traveling and spending quality time with his family.


City Commissioner

Term 1           2016 – 2020

Term 2           2020 – 2024

Mryon “Tiger” Vail

Water/Sewer Commissioner


Myron was raised in Bowman and graduated from Bowman High School in 1977.  He furthered his education at NDSSS Electrical and became an electrician and owned and operated Tiger Electric in Bowman for 20 years and has since retired.


He is married to Lori Vail and together they have 3 children (Leah, Forrest and Brent).


Myron currently serves on the Bowman County Zoning Board and the City of Bowman Tree Board.  His hobbies including flipping houses and being a Grandpa.


Myron’s motto is “Fixing up Bowman, one house at a time


City Commissioner

Term 1           1992 – 1996

Term 2           2016 – 2020

Term 3           2020 – 2024

Benjamin (Benji) Schaaf

Police Commissioner


Benji is a native of Bowman, graduating Bowman High School.  He is married to Lindsey and together have two children, Emma and Evan.  Benji currently works as the parts manager for Bowman Sales and Service and is a member of the Bowman Assembly of God Church, serving as an Awana leader.  He is a volunteer with the Bowman Ambulance Squad and is serving on the Bowman Regional Public Library board.  His hobbies include riding motorcycle, watching supercross and motocross, and spending time with his family.


City Commissioner


Term 1           2018-2022




PHONE: (701) 523-3309

101 1st St NE
Bowman, ND 58623


Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT

7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)