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Bowman County Commission

Bowman County Commissioners are elected at large on a non-partisan basis for staggered four-year terms. The County Commission is the governing body of the County responsible for overseeing County activities and working to ensure that citizen concerns are met, federal and state requirements are fulfilled, and County operations run smoothly.


The State constitution gives the Board of County Commissioners the power to adopt zoning ordinances (local laws), levy taxes, appropriations, authorize bonds, set salaries, approve bills, accept bids, approve the County budget and establish the requirements/policies for the Departments under its control.


The Board governs all unorganized townships of the County directly.






The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on March 4, 2025, with the following present: Pine Abrahamson, Rick Braaten, Josh Buchmann, Jerid Janikowski and Nathan Miller. Chairman Braaten called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Braaten asked for corrections or additions to the agenda. Abrahamson moved to approve the agenda. Miller seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.

Guests present: Karson Pederson, Wayne Kromarek, Rob Braaten.

The following March 4, 2025, vouchers were approved by a motion made by Buchmann, with Janikowski seconding the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.

February Payroll $195,867.03
39514 ADDCO Office Systems $152.25
39515 Advanced Business Methods $468.66
39516 Boss Office Products $154.99
39517 Bowman Sales & Service $1,412.68
39518 Bronson’s $37.62
39519 Brosz Engineering $93,207.50
39520 Creative Planning $174.81
39521 Dakota DustTex $213.30
39522 EIDO Connect $219.00
39523 Encore Services $339.90
39524 Fireside Office Supplies $383.97
39511 *First International Bank & Trust $3,159.91
39525 Frank Eberle $194.00
39526 Galls $174.93
39527 Jim’s Repair $219.95
39528 Jodi Freier $50.00
39529 Matthew Bender & Co $32.43
39512 *MCI $50.47
39513 *MidCo $110.92
39530 Montana Dakota Utilities $2,733.42
39533 ND State Treasurer $9,438.22
39531 NDSAA $400.00
39532 Newby’s Ace Hardware $401.37
39534 One Face LLC $498.00
39536 Ramada $99.00
39537 Randy’s Welding $7.19
39538 RELX, Inc $180.00
39535 Pioneer Trails Regional Museum $1,778.98
39539 Southwest Healthcare $688.00
39540 Swanston Equipment $102.18
39541 The Badlands Patriot $824.84
39542 Unlimited Office Products $347.85


Miller moved to approve the February 18 and February 26, 2025, minutes with Buchmann seconding the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.

Janikowski moved to approve the February 2025 Month-End Bureau of Land Management Report, with Abrahamson seconding the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.

Bowman County Treasurer, Sydnee Kidd, met to present the February 2025 Treasurer’s Daily Cash Settlement/Bank Reconciliation Report. Janikowski moved to approve the report, Abrahamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.

Buchmann moved to approve the February 2025 Recorder and Sheriff Fee Collection Reports. Janikowski seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.

Abrahamson moved to approve Application for Abatement #2025-01 from Bowman Landing LLC. Janikowski seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.

Dakota Western Bank representatives Duane Bowman and John Burke, met to provide updates to their services offered. Also present: Bowman County Treasurer, Sydnee Kidd.

David Horn, Bowman County Maintenance Manager and Andrew Vlasak, and Trane met to discuss the courthouse heating and cooling system.

Apex Clean Energy representatives, Karson Pederson and Nate Wilson met to discuss maintenance and liability responsibilities under the Haul Route Agreement. Discussion was also held on the approach and utility permits. Guests present: Rob Braaten, Kevin Bucholz, Chad Njos, Bowman County State’s Attorney Andrew Weiss, Bowman County Road Superintendent Shane Biggs, and Bowman County Zoning Director Jodi Freier. Abrahamson suggested to wait until April 15, 2025 to start with any approaches. Janikowski moved to approve the submitted approach permits from Bowman Wind. Miller seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Abrahamson moved to approve the utility permits from Bowman Wind. Janikowski seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Janikowski moved to add the Confirmation of Bowman Wind’s Maintenance and Liability Obligations Under the Haul Route Agreement and Applicability of Those Obligations on Any Potential New Owner letter received from Bowman Wind as an appendix to the Bowman County Road Use Agreement. Abrahamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.

Bowman County Highway Superintendent, Shane Biggs met to discuss road projects. The bids from the Old Hwy 12 Reconstruction Project were reviewed. Buchmann moved to accept the low bid from Steve Beylund Construction. Janikowski seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Abrahamson moved to approve the Request for County Materials from Nebo Township for the purchase of 3,600 cy of gravel with the township being responsible for 100% of the cost. Buchmann seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried. Buchmann moved to approve the Request for Materials from Kevin Symanowski for the purchase of reject sand with Symanowski being responsible for 100% of the cost Abrahamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes. Motion carried.

State’s Attorney Weiss reported that he is still working on the stockpile agreements. They should be done by the next commission meeting.

Buchmann moved to nominate Paul Fischer to the Bowman County Water Board. Janikowski seconded the motion. Miller moved to nominate Rick Seifert to the Bowman County Water Board. Braaten seconded the motion. Roll call votes for Fischer: Abrahamson, yes; Buchmann, yes; Janikowski, yes; Miller, no; Braaten, no. Roll call votes for Seifert: Abrahamson, no; Buchmann, no; Janikowski, no; Miller, yes; Braaten, yes. Paul Fischer will be appointed to the Bowman County Water Board.

Bowman County Courthouse Maintenance Manager, David Horn, met to discuss courthouse snow/ice removal and drainage.

At 12:39 PM Janikowski moved to adjourn the meeting, with Miller seconding the motion, and upon a vote, the motion was carried unanimously.

Rick Braaten, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners

ATTEST: Mindy Schumacher, Bowman County Auditor

Tuesday, April 1, 2025
9:00 AM




Call to order Chairman Braaten


Pledge of Allegiance – Prayer – Pastor Ron Wright


Consideration for Approval

    1. Agenda
    2. Vouchers
    3. March 18, 2025 Minutes
    4. March 2025 Treasurer’s Report – Daily Cash Settlements/Bank Reconciliation Report
    5. March 2025 Month-End BLM Report
    6. March 2025 Recorder/Sheriff Fee Collection Reports
    7. Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes #2025-02


Unfinished Business

    1. Stockpile Agreements, State’s Attorney
    2. FEMA Correspondence, State’s Attorney/Brosz Engineering
    3. Trane Service Agreement


New Business



Scheduled Appointments Made in Advance

9:30 AM    Shonda Schwartz, SW Dakota Human Service Zone

10:00         Bowman County Airport Authority Board

10:30         Lyn James, City of Bowman

11:00         Shane Biggs, Bowman County Highway Superintendent

1:15           Dept Heads


            Elected Officials Office Updates & Other



Public Notices


Important Meeting Dates


  • Next Regularly Scheduled Commission Meeting –April 15, 2025, 9:00 AM



County Commission Meeting

Regular meetings of the Bowman County Commissioners are generally the first and third Tuesday of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the commissioner room located on the lower level of the courthouse.

Rick Braaten

(701) 279-5530


Rick was first elected as a Bowman County Commissioner in November 2008.  He is a 1975 graduate of Bowman High School and graduated from NDSU in 1979 with a BS degree in Agricultural Economics. Rick is married to Laurie Fish and they four sons. Rick engages in farm and ranch work.


Other Offices Held:

  • 1994 – 2002 Board Member Farmers Union Oil of Rhame
  • FSA County Committee
  • County Representative on Economic Development Board
  • County Representative on County Weed Board

Josh Buchmann

(701) 206-0578


Josh graduated in 1996 from Bowman High School and attended NDSCS, graduating in 1999.  He moved back to Bowman in 2006.  He has two children; his daughter lives in Wahpeton and works for NDSCS and his son attends Bowman High School.


Other Offices Held:

  • Bowman County Fair Board
  • Bowman Volunteer Fire Department
  • Bowman Ambulance Service
  • Owner of RMJ Towing
  • Owner of Bowman Laundromat
  • Manager of Northwest Tire since 2011

Nathan Miller

(701) 206-0710


Nathan was elected to the Bowman County Commission in 2024.


Other Offices Held:

  • County Representative on County Weed Board

Pine Abrahamson



Pine was first elected as a Bowman County Commissioner in 2004. Pine was born and raised in Bowman County. He has been engaged in agriculture his entire life; he is the third generation to be involved on the family farm where he spends many hours working with his youngest daughter her husband. Pine is married with 4 children and 4 grandchildren.


Other Offices Held:

  • Bowman/Slope Multi-County Social Service District
  • Bowman County Information Technology Committee
  • Bowman County Extension Advisory Council
  • Past All Seasons Arena Board Member
  • Past Bowman County EDC Board Member

Jerid Janikowski

(701) 440-8445


Jerid was elected to the Bowman County Commission in 2022.


Other Offices Held:

  • Bowman County Zoning Board
  • Bowman County Local Emergency Planning Committee




PHONE: (701) 523-3130

Bowman County Auditor
104 1st St NW, Suite 1
Bowman ND 58623


Monday – Thursday:
7:30am – 12:00pm MT
12:30pm – 4:30pm MT

7:30am – 12:00pm MT
(Closed on Legal Holidays)